Alll photos © Jerry LeBlond
Materials can be ordered by phone or email anytime.
Tuesday & Thursday 11 am – 6 pm
Saturday 9 am – Noon
Upcoming Events

Library Happenings
Mid-Month Homeschoolers
Wee Wiggles and Bunny Hugs
Rochester High School Yearbooks!
We are offering Mango Languages!

New Service!
Request your print job from home!
Just send an email
to the library and attach your file.
The librarian will let you know when it’s ready. Drop in, pay, and you’re done!
Please note: printing only happens when the library is open.
Suggested fees:
(Please pay what is comfortable for you)
B&W copies 20¢/page
1st 5 pages free!
Color copies 50¢/page for accent colors
$1/page for full color
Introducing your newest e-reader, the Palace app! Palace allows you to access more of your library’s ebooks and audiobooks in one place. Additionally, enjoy thousands of free titles on the Palace Bookshelf which are yours to keep for as long as you’d like. Download the Palace app for Android or Apple iOS today!
Browse and borrow audio books online
from the Green Mountain Library Consortium
Try Libby! The one-tap reading app
to get GMLC audio books.
> Download the App