Free 24/7 WiFi Internet Access
The library offer 3 PC stations loaded with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Publisher, & Powerpoint) and internet access. Laptop and netbook computers are also available for patron use in the library.
WiFi is available 24/7 at the library for use with your own devices. Keycode is librarypatron.
The library also hosts the Rochester Community Connection accessible throughout the western park area. No keycode is necessary.

Borrow a Kindle Reader
If you would like to borrow a Kindle to see if ebooks are for you, just ask. We have a Kindle Touch preloaded with over 300 classic books.

Online Databases
A better alternative to random Web searches for student resource, Vermont Online Library offers age-appropriate Gale databases for elementary, middle school, high school, and college students.
Also included:
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center provides student's information to develop critical thinking skills and information literacy on today's most important issues.
- Thousands of full text magazines cover every imaginable interest and over 1,000 newspapers.
- Resources for small business, home improvement, and medical information.