Getting ready for fall!

Stay tuned for information about Fantabulous Fall programming! It’s going to An Awesome Autumn at the library! Programs starting in October. A few asks as we get things ready:

The library wants your old Barbies! If you have any Barbie dolls in need of purpose, or any Barbie-like dolls (hard plastic dolls, no more than 12″ high), I can turn their little lives around! They do not need to be in good condition–just not gross, please!

I am looking for crafters willing to lead a Saturday morning workshop in the fall, in which participants can make one item that could be a gift. So far we have plans to learn how to make ornaments from birch tree rings and felted acorn earrings. Making gifts is so much fun! What can you share with us?

By patron request, I am looking for folks to join 2 new book clubs: one for the amazing Wings of Fire books (DRAGONS!!); this would be an all-ages group, definitely kid- and family-friendly.
The second group is a LGBTQ book club for older teens and adults. We are working on a reading list, and would welcome input on that as well as folks wanting to participate!

Please email with any questions,