Learn How at the Library is a summer program funded by the Winnie Belle Learned Fund. Starting on June 18, all kids who visit the library will be able to choose a how-to book to learn a new skill–to keep! All books will come with basic supplies to get kids started on their learning adventure! THIS IS SO COOL!! Additionally, there will be 4 in-person sessions to learn how together! You can learn how to write a story from Andrew Fersch, a published author, how to crochet, as taught by the wonderfully kind and talented Helen Shay, and how to make some lovely origami pieces, including a very useful box, by the always-fabulous Sarah McLoughlin. For the final week, we’ll flip things around and bit, and YOU will be teaching ME! I want to learn some fun stuff, so get your best game going!
Thank you, Winnie Belle!
July 11, 18, 25, and August 1, 4:15-5:15 (please note new time!).